Anzhelika discusses plans to come visit New York.
Jacquie’s parents are trying to prohibit a 33 year old Russian Woman from meeting their 16 year old daughter – pfft.
(If you don’t know wtf is happening – read Chapter 1 here)

Re: I missed you!!!
Date:  10/02/15 – 20:59


I’m so sorry for the late response. I had to go to my annual Christian summer camp. It was so so fun, but I really missed you and wish we had more time to chat, but I was in the wilderness. All I could think of was you. I hope you missed me too?


#animalstylelikewhoa #secretfatty

I love that you love to cook. I heard Russians love potatoes, I. LOVE. FRENCH FRIES. I think those are potatoes… do you guys have french fry potatoes? In America we have In-n-Out but they make me feel fat… but I love it anyway. #animalstylelikewhoa #secretfatty. Have you been to America? Have you been to an In-N-Out? If not, we HAVE to go. You’ll love it, I promise 😉




“I’m so sorry about your father dying. We had to put down my dog… so I totally know how it goes. It’s like way hard.”

I’m so sorry hear about your father dying. That’s heartbreaking. We had to put  down my dog Milo a few weeks ago – so I totally know how it goes. It’s like way hard. What was your dad like? What did he do for work?

My family isn’t exciting. My parents are still married, but I don’t know why – they hate each other. Dad’s never home, mom is a total bitch. She’s so mean, like you would be so mad if you knew how she treated me. My dad does corporate law which is sooo boring, but his house is huge! It doesn’t really matter they’re horrible because I have a trust fund. I can buy whatever I want – LOL. They think they can buy my love, whatever.

It’s so cute that you cannot forget the remarkable film A Walk to Remember. It is a monstrosity of a film that I am so eager to forget. I LOVE love stories in general, aren’t they so romantic?? I hope we can be like a romantic movie couple – what do you think? Have you seen the great American classic “Air Bud”? It truly shows the struggle of hoop dreams. I hope you haven’t seen it, so I can be with you during your first time watching it.

I love all your photos. Keep sending me more!! You are so attractive, especially in your egg cooking clothes. I’d let you cook for me any day 😉

Please write back soon. I have regular access to the internet again, so my responses won’t be so far apart 🙁 promise

<3 you – have an amazing day!

I think of you!
Date: 10/03/15 – 04:23


I’m fine! Today at me good mood 🙂 Last night I visited sister. Name of my sister Kseniya. She said that since recent time, she has started to notice changes in me. My mum noticed that I became cheerful and cheerful. At me there has passed melancholy, and now I often smile 🙂 Now I wish to look in your eyes and to see your mood. My eyes shine for pleasure. Thanks you for happiness which you bring to me!!!

I have learnt that my mobile does not support an international telecommunication. it will be necessary for me to write the statement on work and that they tell to the mobile operator it is necessary to connect service. As soon as I make it, I will inform at once you. I very much wish to hear your voice and I hope that we can soon speak.

I have a dream. I dream of a romantic supper with which man I love. But I do not have beloved, I very much would wish to meet the love. Jacquie, you the romanticist? To you to like to surprise the girl? To me like romanticism… I like to look at stars. I like an easy supper at candles. I would prefer to make a supper. I as like to dance slow dance under music… Nevertheless, I very much want what my dream was carried out. I with impatience wait for your following letter.

Anzhelika 🙂

Re: I think of you!
Date:  10/04/15 – 15:00


Is it ok if I call you that? It’s much easier than typing out your entire name (tho it’s totes gorgeous, it’s just hard to spell when I am writing you so often!) I’ve never heard your sister’s name “Kseniya.” I LOVE that your parents love Kanye. I love Yeezus too. He’s so international – even in Soviet Russia! I’ve thought about naming my firstborn “Northwest” but I don’t know if that’s too cheesy, lol.


“I haven’t seen you this happy since you got your braces off!”

I am so glad we have the same feelings 🙂 I’ve told everyone about you too!!  It’s so funny, my friends and family have said the same thing to me! My friend Keisha at summer camp said “I haven’t seen you this happy since you got your braces off!” LOL. It’s true. Every email I read from you gives me butterflies.

I am also a romanticist, Anzhelika. I to you to like to surprise the girl too? I think we should go on a romantic camping trip and you can cook and clean for me while I drink vodka (that’s Russian right?) We can show each other our favorite constellations and slow dance to a Walk to Remember’s soundtrack! Do you believe in Zodiac? What’s your sign???

I LOVE!!! your workout photos. You look so athletic and active 😉 I love doing yoga and pilates too! Maybe I will send you a photo of me doing those things, too?

Please respond soon. I am waiting.

<3 xoxo luv,

I always think about you!
Date: 10/05/15 – 1:49

Hello!!! How mood Jacquie?

Yes, I believe it is my zodiac sign Capricorn.

I have an important question for you. You write letters to other girls? I write the letter only to you and me other men do not interest. Jacquie. You understand, that I seriously concern acquaintance to you.

You prefer long relations? What do you do not love in the woman? What you would want the wife in the future? Clever? Beautiful? Honest? I think that between the man and woman, there should be an understanding and physical inclination! The man and the woman should be first friends. If friendship strong and mutual – love will be pure and mutual! I want that my man was the sun which shines everything, and heats only me!!! I want, that my pleasure was also its pleasure. My grief was also its grief. These are my representations of my future man.

Soon I will buy the new laptop and we can speak on skype. Please, do not detain the letter and write to me more likely.

Yours, Anzhelika!

Re: I always think about you!
Date:  10/07/15 – 21:38




I can’t believe you’re a Capricorn! I totally called it. Capricorns have a sense of melancholy and necessity for work and structure… because inside they feel they’re unworthy and need to continuously prove their worth. Is that something you’d agree with? You should guess my sign! It’s totally obvious.

Breakfast freaking rules. I love yoghurt and fruit too! What flavor do you like? How about Belgian Waffles, potatoes (Russian, right?), or French Toast? Do you guys like those garlic munching surrender monkeys? I don’t, but French Toast is so effing good – I can’t even.

Anzhelika – of course I do not write other girls. I want all the things you want – a clever, beautiful, honest, fond woman that shines everything and heats only me. So romantic! I hope you have a great day.


I always think about you
Date: 10/08/15 – 02:37

Hello! Jacquie!

I have good news today. I talked to my chief and she has told, that my vacation will soon. It is necessary for me to finish the begun business, and then I can have a vacation. You want our meeting? You can arrive to Russia for our meeting? If you want, I can plan arrival to you.

I have a sensation that we are familiar throughout the whole life. You would like that your future wife was till the end of your life? I wish to marry only once and to be happy. I have a passport which allows me to travel all over the world. I am valid, very much I wish to see your country and your way of life. I should see it my eyes, and I think that we have happy time together.

I very much appreciate ours with you dialogue. Jacquie, you do not represent as I is happy when I see your new letter! I send you air kisses!!!

Re: I always think about you
Date:  10/08/15 – 11:36


Thanks for your heartfelt response. Now I want to open up to you about how “Air Bud” (1997) changed my life, just as “A Walk To Remember” changed yours.

  • It taught me that there is no rule in the rule book for what we can accomplish. We can do anything!
  • To succeed in America – you only need long, flowing, beautiful golden blonde hair – and you’re set for life (like you)!
  • If you’re a spectacle that can draw a large crowds and money, you can break unspoken rules.
  • Dogs CAN play basketball if they try hard enough.
  • Dogs are better at sports than most children.
  • It’s ok to play with children, if you’re really 40 in your own years.
  • Lastly, when you die – you can be replaced… and nobody will ever know the difference.

I hope that helps you understand me a little better. Have any movies taught you important life lessons too?


air bud - me - cheerleading.jpg

air bud – me – cheerleading.jpg

Thinking of you!
Date: 10/09/15 – 01:07

Jacquie, How your day?

Now I would like to appear with you nearby and to feel your smell. As any woman, I very much want attention, caress and embrace, and passion. Last night, the dream has dreamt we were together and you embraced me and ironed the hand on my hair…. I believe, that soon we will meet. All our dreams will come true when we will be together.

Now I know when there will be holiday. Today chief has told me that my holiday will begin in some days. I think that next week I will be on a vacation. My chief has allowed to take a vacation of 45 days, as I have explained to it, that there was a man from other country. It you, the darling Jacquie!

I am assured that when we meet, ours with you feelings become stronger! Please, promise to me, that you will care of me, I have trusted in you. I concern our relations with all my heart and souls. Most the nearest international airport is Sheremetevo or Domodedovo. Tell to me please, what international airport is closest to your house? In what airport I should buy tickets? I never was in your country. If I arrive, you will meet me? I do not know anybody, except you in your country. I ask you that you have met me at the airport. I will do all independently, as I the adult and responsible girl.

I wish to send you a card, but I do not have your address. Write me the full address and I will go at once to post office that I would wash a card have sent to you. Excuse that I have not written you the full name, my full name: Kotova Anzhelika. Write me the full name. I send you one million air kisses!!! I am confident, they is reached you!!!

Always, yours Anzhelika

Re: Thinking of you!
Date:  10/11/15 – 15:55

My Anzhelika,

I am so sorry I have not responded for so long. I feel so bad you must totally hate me. The last few days have been torturous.


They recently saw the film “Taken” and are afraid that I will also be “taken.”

I told my friends about you and they are totally excited… but my little brother Jack caught wind of it. Him and I have been fighting a lot, so he told my parents about you. They are serious assholes and overreacted so bad. They said they don’t trust Russians ever since that documentary Red Dawn (“Can you believe they killed Patrick Swayze like that??”) They recently saw the film “Taken” and are afraid that I will also be “taken.” I told them you’re not like that. But they took away my laptop and phone and said I’m forbidden to talk to you. But true love cannot be stopped – I know you know that. It will just take me a sec to find a work around so I can talk to you regularly again. But in the meantime my communication is limited.

Unfortunately I can’t give my home address – my parents would FLIP if you sent me something. But I’m in New York City – have you heard of it? It is in the right corner top of the United States. You would be flying into JFK to meet me. I know things are hard right now, but I WILL find a way to keep talking to you. We must meet! I wish to feel your smells and iron your hair too <3

Sorry for the short email Zika but I gotta get off my dad’s computer right now before he gets home.


I dream of our meeting!
Date: 10/12/15 – 01:23

Hello Jacquie!!!

I learnt the information that is needed to travel to your country. Embassies are not present in my city. I cannot apply for a visa in my town, even with my international passport.  Not everyone can receive permission to travel to your country. By visa “Tourist” I can free move on territory of your country. I’m going to spend in your country 30 days, what do you think about this? I think this time will be enough so that we can know each other better. You agree with me?

The employee of travel agency has told to me, time of registration approximately 10 days. I already took the list of documents which I will need to give in embassy in Moscow. Jacquie, the employee of travel agency has told to me, that the invitation letter from you is required. You’ll be able to give me an invitation if I need it?

I hope the information I gave you today very pleased you. I am assured, that nothing will prevent us to meet you. You agree with me? Today I have made again for you a photo. I hope to you it is pleasant. Kisses only for you!!!

Yours, Anzhelika!!!

Re: I dream of our meeting!
Date:  10/12/15 – 11:28


I don’t have much time to write. I snuck on my dickhead dad’s computer again. Your email totally made my day (given, I’ve only been awake for 2 hours lol). 30 days?!?! I thought you’d get like a week out here max. That’s amazeballs! I’m so effing excited. We will have infinite conversations and do unspeakable things to each other.

I’m glad the visa thing is so easy. I went to China once, but it took months to get a visa cuz it kept getting denied. Damn commies, lol. If it all works out, I will visit you in Russia and meet your friends and family and country? Maybe we could get married?? I hope you are excited to see me.


I constantly think of our meeting!
Date: 10/13/15 – 01:55

Hello Jacquie!!!

I have important news. Please, be attentive.

I should visit embassy in Moscow to begin process. It is necessary for me to wait approval of my travel. I should show the inquiry on the marital status and work, the declaration on payment of taxes, and also the passport and photos. Today I will try to receive all documents. Jacquie, the invitation will be unessential to me. If there will be a necessity for the invitation. I have decided, that I will live in hotel or I rent a room in Moscow – whichever cheaper  variant.

When I am in Moscow,  I will visit the airport to get to know prices. Jacquie, I need to be sure that you meet me at the airport.  I have a feeling of pleasure which has appeared since first day of our acquaintance. I would want that our meeting was unforgettable. I believe that between us there will be a big passion and we can construct beautiful love! Please, tell to me your thoughts!!!

I very much miss on you and I think of our first meeting, at me now pleasant excitement, as I the modest girl 🙂 To kiss you!

Yours, Anzhelika!!!

Re: I constantly think of our meeting!
Date:  10/15/15 – 13:02

My Zika! Thank you for your letter!I’m sorry for the late response. As you know, I haven’t had access to a computer. But I should be able to get one soon when my dad goes out of town. Anyways. So you started your vacation yesterday?? That is so exciting! I can’t WAIT to see you. When will I see you at JFK?

Xoxo love you

Re: Re: I constantly think of our meeting!
Date: 10/15/15 – 23:55

Hello my darling Jacquie! Today I any more do not work, as my vacation has begun.  The boss has wished me good rest. Colleagues joked very cheerful collective and they too have wished me good rest. I am very glad!!!

My mum has told, that it will see me off on the train to Moscow. She asked to write it the letter as soon as I arrive to your country. I promised to send to her with you joint photos. If my father was still live, it would be very glad, that I will travel to it. Tomorrow I will arrive to Moscow. Your support will be necessary to me.

Today I will buy the new laptop, for this purpose that we could write each while the visa is made out. I wish to ask this information you again. Your full name. Your home address and city. Phone number. I should arrive to what airport. The darling, it is very important, do not forget to write it in the letter! Now I should leave the computer I cannot detain it. I will go on station to buy tickets to Moscow. I dream of our meeting!

Yours, Anzhelika!

Re: Re: Re: I constantly think of our meeting
Date:  10/18/15 – 16:59

Анжелика, я понял, что это был груб со мной, не говорят на родном языке. Я могу сказать, ваш английский действительно борется, поэтому, возможно, мой русский немного лучше.Это был интересный день сегодня. Я и мой друг Мерсади пошел, чтобы поесть (я послал свою подругу из моих фотографий). Я получил картофель и гамбургеры и буррито, торт. Я съел картофель, но я должен все бросить еще. Я слишком много пищи, я думаю, я заказал углеводной диеты. Я обнаружил, что он в старом картофеле, который инициировал прорастание сидит слишком долго. Я также должен был выбросить его. Очень странно.

А как насчет вашего отца? Я рад, что он должен сказать мне, что. Это рады встретиться с нами, звучит, как и все люди вокруг вас. Все мои друзья приветствуются. Или не моя семья. Тем не менее, он трахает их. Я, после того как они встретиться с вами, наконец, они уверены, что падение в любви с вами, и я думаю.

Я надеюсь, вы понимаете мой итальянский. Если нет, дайте мне знать. Это очень трудно, пытаясь понять, =)

Я не могу дождаться, чтобы увидеть тебя. Я надеюсь увидеть вас в ближайшее время и сделать сладкий любви. Я надеюсь, что вы в чужой грязной дерьмо я на! слишком много картофеля, верно? гнилой мозг. ха-ха весело! Я люблю тебя. Существует рай в глазах. Пожалуйста, ответьте на ближайшее время. Существует рай в глазах.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
всегда ваш

Translated: Angelica, I realized that it was rude, [you] do not speak the native language. I can say, your English is really struggling, so perhaps my little Russian. It was an interesting day today. Me and my friend went to eat. I got fries, burgers, burritos, and cake. I ate a potato, but I have to drop everything else. I have too much food, I think I ordered carbohydrate diet. I have found that it is in an old potato, which initiated germination sitting too long. I also had to throw it away. Very strange.

What about your father? It is happy to see us, it sounds like all the people around you. All my friends are welcome or my family. Nevertheless, he fucks them. After they meet you, they are sure to fall in love with you.

I hope you understand my Italian. If not, let me know. It is very hard, trying to figure out =)

I can not wait to see you. I hope to see you soon and make sweet love. I hope that you are in someone else’s dirty, I shit on! Too many potatoes, right? Rotten brain. Haha fun! I love you. There is a paradise in the eyes. Please answer soon. There is a paradise in the eyes.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
always yours

Chapter 2  Summary

  • It is revealed Jacquie is a teenage girl (who recently had braces & returned from Christian summer camp)
  • I chose Kendall Jenner for her photos. There are a lot to choose from, and she’s the right demographic.
  • Anzhelika’s father is dead, Jacquie’s parents suck… but she has a hefty trust fund.
  • Jacquie gives a list of 7 things Air Bud taught her.
  • Jacquie is banned from speaking to Anzhelika, because they fear Russians/being kidnapped.
  • They’re getting more serious (“You would like that your future wife was till the end of your life?”)
  • Jacquie writes in Russian: “I can not wait to see you. I hope to see you soon and make sweet love. I hope that you are in someone else’s dirty, I shit on! Too many potatoes, right? Rotten brain. Haha fun! I love you.”
  • Anzhelika gets 45 days vacation. She needs to travel to Moscow to get her visa first. She is going to meet Jacquie at JFK.

Chapter 3 isn’t done yet, but you can read these other posts!


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